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Paper Cut Pop-Up Heart SVG Template

Pretty Pop-Up Hearts

Happy Valentine's Day!

Time for a new file. This one, as you may notice, is a paper-cutting pop-up file for all you card makers out there! 

Sadly, my poor Silhouette Cameo has been sitting unused for a long time. After my laser arrived, I have neglected paper crafting despite the fact that I still enjoy it. Paper has an allure to it. So many possibilities. 

What better time to pull out your cutting machine and make a card than Valentine’s Day? This is a very simple file to cut. It cuts really fast, the tricky part is folding it correctly. I recommend scoring the center and folding it first. Then, you can accordion fold the sides and your card pop-up insert is all set to put in your card and add a nice sentiment. 

If you need a good sentiment to add to your card, check out 1 Corinthians 13. Best love passage there is, if you ask me. 

Love Never Fails

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 ESV

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Inspirational SVG Quote for the New Year

Bag with "Secret to Getting Ahead" Quote

Some inspiration for a new year!

Happy New Year!

Well, 2023 has arrived. The older I get, the faster time seems to fly by. I spent some time this week thinking about what I actually wanted to do with the year. Usually, I just try to get through each day. With three little girls running around, that is about all I can manage sometimes, and that’s okay. It is a season in my life. However, I still want to be a bit more intentional this year if I can. I find myself in an exhausted stupor too often. These are some things I think may help me this year.

Just do the next right thing!

Daily Walk

Drink more water

Eat less sugar and more protein

Read parenting books

Set exciting goals

Have a positive attitude

Realizing that I need goals to work toward that excite and motivate me, I am going to really focus on working on both this blog and the svg designs I have for sale here on my website and on Etsy. I have the resources. I have the knowledge. What is stopping me? Well, it is like this quote from Mark Twain says, I just have trouble getting started. So here is to new beginnings. 


And, if you weren’t here for my mildly inspiring rant, but were looking for this lovely SVG file of Mark Twain’s quote – “The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started” – here it is in all its motivational glory. My plan is to make a nice little bundle and put it up here and on Etsy for sale. However, I need some more design time before I have enough for a bundle. Hence, you get this freebie as a teaser. Maybe it will motivate you to do some awesome things this year. 

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Pumpkin Face SVG Freebie – Great for making some cute little Jack-O-Lanterns!

October means pumpkins, leaves, and cooler weather?

Here it is already October. I know it is cliché , but time really does go by so fast. I feel as though I just posted with the full intention of getting so much extra time to post so many good things in the past month. And yet, it is October. 

Time for pumpkins. Time for cooler weather and fall. Here in San Antonio, it means, it actually goes below 80 some mornings, yippee! I have been working hard on a lot of projects. Especially the never ending project of being a mom with a lot of chores to keep up with. Laundry in heaps. The dishes are dirty again? My family wants to eat every… single… day…?! 

In the midst of this, I remember that GOD IS GOOD. That has become my current mantra. Take a moment, thank God for your breath of air. Thank Him for all that is good. Forget the to do list and just enjoy this minute of life. 

Maybe you will get to build a memory carving pumpkin faces this year. Or maybe, that is simply too much for you right now. That’s okay too. If crafting is calming for you, I have some perfect little jack-o-lantern faces for your pumpkins!

Have a fabulous October! I hope you make some wonderful things with these cute jack-o-lantern pumpkin faces!

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Christmas Tree Time – SVG Freebie

I am back. After a long hiatus from my blog, I feel as though my life is once again in a place where I can spend time posting to my blog, and doing what I love – designing new SVG files for you! Perhaps a glut of Christmas svg files, since December is fast approaching!

Perhaps you clicked on a Pinterest image with these cute little wooden Christmas trees, or you stumbled here by accident. However you came to be clicking around my site, welcome! If you haven’t been here before, allow me to introduce myself. I am Kristin, a lover of creating, wife of an actuary, mother to three beautiful young daughters, and a math and programming enthusiast too.

Likely the 3 biggest reasons I have not posted for so long!

I have a big yellow laser, which I love. My poor Silhouette Cameo has been gathering dust in the closet as I have a new favorite in the house (or rather garage). I have pulled it out for vinyl a few times, but I think I am overdue for a Cameo project, so let me know if there is a file you are dying to see and maybe I can make it happen!

My big yellow laser in action!

Christmas trees are so versatile in crafting, so I am putting a few Christmas Tree Designs out here for you. These are the simple ones for you and your Cricut or Cameo, or perhaps your Glowforge and a wooden sign? These Christmas trees would also work great in vinyl on a t-shirt for your holiday festivities with the whole extended family!

Simple Christmas Tree SVG files for your Christmas crafting.

Download by clicking the button below!

If you like these, be sure to check out my 3D Christmas Tree files that I designed for 1/8″ material like Baltic Birch. For the trees in these photos, I used a green gel stain on the wood, cut them out, and slipped them together. As a bonus, you can slide them apart for easy storage!

Hope you enjoy these fun Christmas Tree SVG files. Let me know what else you want to see as I am always hunting for new ideas.

Don’t forget to check out my other Christmas posts. Merry Christmas in September!

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First Day of School – Distance Learning Covid-19 Style!

First day of school is coming. Back to school sales have started. Backpack sales are going to be down I am guessing!

Who is ready for school to start? Well, I would be if I wasn’t going to be the main teacher. At one point, we were seriously considering homeschooling. However, I decided some precious quiet time without supervising kids would go a long way toward preserving my sanity.

Yet, here we are. Covid-19 has placed many parents in the role of teacher, or at very least student supervisor whether they wanted to be or not. I am really hopeful that the distance learning my Kindergartner and Second Grader participate in this fall will be more streamlined than what we experienced in the Spring. There were WAAAY too many sites and logins to navigate for a first grader.

What have you decided will work best for your children? Honestly, I think homeschooling would be really great this year if you can swing it. We want to keep our spots at the charter school, so distance learning it is until it is safe to go back.

Now, on to the file I made for you. I thought we needed a special back to school sign for “first day of school” this year. I think this has good potential and can be customized for those starting the fall off distance learning.

Enjoy! Please share pictures with me if you use the file, it makes my designing more meaningful to know people are enjoying it. 🙂

Here is the download. For the custom one I just inserted text. I am probably going to use this on some cute little chalkboards I found at Michaels. Have fun crafting and good luck with schools!

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Father’s Day Card SVG Freebie

In this post, I assure you, there is a nice easy Father’s Day Card for you to make. It is a very cute simple design, that is really easy to throw together last minute. That is my favorite kind of card SVG. Don’t get me wrong, the complicated ones are really cute when people make them, but they take waaaaay more effort and time than I am typically willing to invest.

Where have I been? I haven’t had much time to devote to my website for the past month or so, but not because I am not creating. Is it just me, or is it really difficult to not be creating? I have a really hard time putting projects down to get the daily chores done.


I haven’t been here because I have been in my hot garage drooling over my latest crafting toy. What is so exciting that I am sweating away in my garage in the summer in Texas?


Yep. That is right. I bought a laser cutter! It is absolutely awesome and to top it off it is yellow, my favorite color. It is a 60Watt Chinese Laser purchased on Ebay, in case you wanted to know. I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to set it up when it came, but it wasn’t actually too bad.

Now, I am designing and cutting files on wood instead of paper! It is really really awesome. You may get tired of hearing this, but it is awesome. Yes, awesome.

Anyhoo, enough about my really awesome yellow laser, which needs a cute name.

Father’s Day

On to the point of this blog. Father’s Day is upon us again. I have a lot of cute cutting files already here for you to use or be inspired by. Take a look if you like.

Father’s Day SVG Freebie

However, I wanted something simpler and more generic this year. I am planning on sending one to my dad, and as you can see, my daughter’s already absconded with the other’s I made to give to their dad. My six-year-old added artwork and it turned out adorable too.

So, here is this year’s Father’s Day SVG Freebie. The download link is right below the image. The file has three parts. The main card, two optional shadow components, and an overlay. The overlay goes over “happy” and “day”, and creates a outline later for “fathers”. Let me know if you have any questions with it. If you use a standard 12×12 paper, you can make it approximately 4″x6″.

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Mother’s Day Free Card SVG and Sentiment

Happy Mother’s Day to all my fellow mother’s out there. (Don’t worry, if you aren’t a mother, we won’t ban you from crafting.)

Have you been crafting away during this time of quarantine? I have certainly been trying to, but three little girls have me running around doing things like feeding them, washing their clothes, cleaning up messes. I mean, the nerve. Just kidding of course, they are wonderful little people to have around but sometimes you just want to be quarantined alone!

On that same note, I certainly can’t be the only one who plays deaf when my children are running around the house shouting “MOMMMMM”. I figure they can get a little exercise before I reveal my top secret location. Mwhahah!

All of this, of course is super on topic as my freebie today is a a Mother’s Day card. Yay! Although, it is not a card that screams Mother’s Day, so you could definitely use it for other occasions. If you do, I would suggest not bothering to use the “Happy Mother’s Day” sentiment. Or do. I am not your mom.

Whew! Apparently I am feeling rather sarcastic today. Hopefully you are staying healthy and sane. Enjoy making this beautiful Mother’s Day Card.

While you are here, be sure to check out the Mother’s Day Card I posted way back when I first started this site. My images have come a long way since then, but the file is still super awesome as well.

And don’t forget the layered Mom file for another quick variation of a mother’s day file!

Goodness, I forgot to mention one super exciting thing. I cut this card out on my new super duper awesome laser! Yep. I got a laser. A giant yellow CO2 Laser. I have been eyeing them for a long time and it actually happened. And as a bonus, I figured out how to set it up and get it to actually work. I suppose it is my Mother’s Day gift for the next decade.

And now for the actual freebie. I have included a “Happy Mother’s Day” sentiment that I made to go with mine. I don’t like fussing with the little letters, so I welded it all together. That way, just one piece to cut and glue. Laziness for the win. Happy Mother’s Day!

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Coronavirus 2020 SVG File for COVID-19

Please enjoy this COVID-19 Coronavirus 2020 SVG file. I designed the virus icon from a diagram of the actual virus cell. (I’m not sure if cell is the technically correct word here, but it has been a while since I was in Biology class!)

Health is so important to the daily enjoyment of our lives. This Coronavirus outbreak has hit our world so very very hard. I sincerely hope that you and yours are doing well and are well provided for.

With mostly everyone at home, I thought it might be enjoyable to send out cards to those you love to let them know you are thinking of them. That was the inspiration for this card. It is intended as a little bit of humor in the midst of a scary time. 

Wishing you well. Here is the Coronavirus 2020 COVID-19 SVG FREEBIE!

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Free Mom & Dad SVG Layered Files

So, the world has gone mad. I mean, doesn’t it feel almost surreal?

A world wide pandemic is something I thought I would only see in movies and board games. It really never occurred to me that it would actually be something to touch and even deeply affect my day to day life.

First, Here is to hoping that this finds you and yours safe and well supplied for all your needs. Our family is stocked for a couple weeks and ready to hunker down. My girls and I are not especially vulnerable to the virus, thankfully, but my husband does not have a strong immune system.

All anyone can do is be prepared and pray!

So, how are things in your neck of the woods? Lots of hand-washing here and we have enough toilet paper and soap too! 😉

Hopefully, these couple SVG files will be a welcome diversion for you.

Layered Bee File Posted on Etsy

If you happened to catch my last post, you saw that I created an adorable layered bumble bee file. I used it as a baby shower gift, but I have had at least two people purchase it for a beekeeper they know.

Anyhow, I did polish up the file and get it posted on Etsy. You have to add your own text, but the rest is ready to cut!

Mom and Dad Layered Paper Art

Since we all have our family and their well-being on our minds, I thought a quick couple files for Mom and Dad would be perfect. Mother’s Day and Father’s day aren’t too far away. Get your cards done early.

While I envision these as layered card fronts, but you could definitely do more with them.

Here are some of my past posts on Father’s Day Cards and Files.

And some on Mother’s Day Cards and Files!

Click below to download the bee zip file. Happy quarantine crafting!

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Free Bee SVG Download – Ha ‘Bee’ Birthday

I have a free Bee SVG for you tonight. Looking at this smiling bee is definitely cheering me up a bit. While I am glad to be back here posting a new file for everyone, it has been a rough week here my neighborhood.

Sadly, a little girl on her bike was hit and killed on her way to my daughter’s school this week. It is so tragic to lose such a young life. Please keep her family in your prayers. Her name was Irie.

It has been so heavy on my heart, especially having to share the news with my young daughters. They are so sweet though, and they were reassuring me that she was not dead, but alive with God in heaven. Such sweet little hearts children often have.

BEE Layered Paper Art

Anyhow, if you need a little cheering up after such a heavy topic, I have just the file for you tonight. I made this cute little bee for a gift a few weeks ago. It was my first attempt at a layered paper art picture.

Actually, this is how the layered file looked in Adobe Illustrator before I cut it out.

Not that I like to brag, but I do really love how it turned out. Hopefully the recipient did too!

If there is enough interest, I may put the layered file up for sale on my Etsy Shop, but for now I wanted to share the cute little bee. Before I can put it up for sale, I will need to write up instructions and figure out how to make the name layer more customizable.


I managed to get the layered file cleaned up and posted on Etsy!
Find it HERE.

The one thing I would change were I to make it again is to put a little more support behind the middle of the name layer as it was a wee bit wobbly.

Free BEE SVG and hand-lettered sentiment

Also, because I felt the little bee was lacking something, I hand-lettered a cute birthday message to go with it. Hopefully you enjoy it and are able to make something adorable with it.

I also have some other cute animal files if you want to take a look.

Happy Creating!

If you are curious, I separated the layers in my picture using cork scraps. I use cork for the backs of the coasters I have on my Etsy Shop, and always have lots of scraps left over. They turned out to be just perfect for the job. Here are some behind the scenes photos of this project.

Well, I sincerely hope you have a wonderful week. BEE happy, and enjoy life.