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Foil Quill Candy Heart SVG Freebie – Part II.

Don’t Fear the Foil Quill

Valentine’s Day SVG Download! Message Hearts Part I.

As promised, I am back with a new version of the Valentine’s Day Candy Heart SVG freebies I shared last week. If you missed that one, be sure to check it out and grab the free layered SVG file I shared.

Valentine’s Day SVG Download! Message Hearts Part I.

My health is on the mend thanks to some powerful antibiotics. However, I am still mostly deaf in one ear thanks to an ear infection. My sympathies to those who have frequent ear infections or actual hearing loss!

The Dreaded Foil Quill

Well, dreaded might be a bit exaggerated, but I got this fun tool AT LEAST 6 months ago. It has been sitting unopened in my closet. Why? Because I was intimidated by it. While I may have used the excuse of not having time, I truly was worried that I would mess it up and waste all that pretty foil sitting there waiting for me.

If you are in the same boat, pull it out and just try it. Well, if you have the right cords. First, I summoned my courage and attempted to plug it in, but the cord on this thing is only two feet long and needs to be plugged into a USB power port. (The one on the Cameo does not do the job). So, I paid a visit to Amazon and purchased one of these little USB Extension Cords.

All set up and ready to foil.

Once I got my extension cord, I was finally ready. After modifying the file, which I will link to at the end, I was ready to try it out. Not knowing how the Foil Quill would work in the Cameo 4, I put it in the second slot of my Cameo 3 and my cutting blade in the first slot.

While I am no expert in the foil quill as of yet, here is a screenshot of the settings I used, as they seem to have worked quite well! Make sure you select the correct tool for each part and add a Pause between the tools so you can remove the foil.

ATTENTION: Add a pause between the foil and the cardstock cutting!

An important thing to note is that I put a PAUSE between the Foill Quill and the cutting job so that I could remove the foil before it tried to cut the hearts. This actually worked out really well. I was able to remove the foil with a bit of maneuvering without unloading the mat. Then, I simply pressed continue on my computer and it cut the foiled hearts out.

Step 1: Let the Foiling Begin

Checking to see how it came out was the best part. It worked (almost) perfectly. The only issue I had was on not aligning my design and the foil quite exactly. If you look in the image below, a couple of the hearts got a bit cut off in the foiling process. However, I was still happy with the results.

The exciting part!

Step 2: Cut the hearts.

After removing the foiling, I hit continue – it shows up as a button on your computer screen. My Cameo completed the job and cut out the cardstock.

Foil Quill Candy Hearts – Tada!
Foil Quill Card stock Hearts

For the font, I used “LW Tall Sketch” from the Silhouette Store. It is a nice skinny font that looks great in all caps and didn’t have space between the inner and outer edge of the letters.

If you wanted to enhance the 3-D effect of the candy heart, you could shade in the bottom half of each heart with the same color pencil or marker.

Last Tips

Moral of the story, don’t fear the foil quill. It is your friend. The foil quill won’t hurt you (probably); it is hot. Follow the directions and heat it up for 5 minutes or so before you start.

Now, what should I do with these? I feel as though some of you clever card makers could do something really neat with them. I am envisioning some sort of see through container on the front of the card with these inside. Or maybe just a line of them on the front of the card. Who knows? Once I have designed them, my creative juices run out. So, I always love to see what my readers come up with. Drop me a picture if you create something awesome!

Now, hopefully this download link will work. A final tip – cut by the line color or fill – there is a no fill and a fill.

Candy Heart SVG Freebie

And lastly, here is the free SVG download!

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Valentine’s Day SVG Download! Message Hearts Part I.

Welcome 2020 & New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! This year has already had a rocky start in my house. Everyone was down and out with the flu. I got the flu shot. I got the flu. Is anyone else in that boat? Well I am sick. Sick of being sick. I had so many great and energetic ideas. Plans to watch fewer shows, do more crafts, write more blog posts, make more svg files, spend more quality time with my family. Instead, I have been on my back watching shows. Talk about demoralizing!

But now, I am back. Well, almost. I still have a cough that could wake the neighborhood and resulted in my husband giving me dirty looks at the movie theater for my inability to stop my coughing fits. But, my energy is mostly revived. Hooray for 2020!

Has anyone missed me?

So, I have a gut feeling about this one. My blog is not a household staple. No one has been clinging to the edge of their seat wondering where on earth Kristin at Kabram Krafts has disappeared to. If you have, I am enchanted.

The truth is, I have felt sooooo guilty that I haven’t been creating more files and crafts to share with you here. I have been crafting. But, more often than not you will find me trying to catch up on laundry, dishes, and the general chaos of having three young daughters!

In fact, one of my top resolutions this year is to grow this site. To fill it to the brim with lots of crafty ideas and files for you to try.

New Christmas Toys

Did you receive any fun crafty toys for Christmas? Well, I made sure I did. Am I the only one who bought themselves a Christmas gift, wrapped it and put it under the tree? I present to you, my new Silhouette Cameo 4.

So far, I haven’t really put its capabilities to the test, but all the testing for today’s file was done on my new Cameo and it worked like a champ.

Free Valentine’s Day Message Hearts

I have more variations in my head for these. Including trying out the Foil Quill to write the messages on them. Hence, I have titled this post “Part I” – so hold me to it, more on the horizon.

Foil Quill Version: COMPLETE!

Check it out HERE!

Here is what I came up with. These are three parts per heart. A backing for the text color, the heart with message, and the small shadow to make these look like the small message heart candies. So cute, and yet so very unappetizing. A Valentine’s Day staple. I choose three saying, but it would not be very hard to alter the messages if you know how the fun little path tools work.

For the shadow pieces, I colored each one with the same color to make it slightly darker. I think it might look just as good or better if you hand shade the heart with the words instead of adding the “shadow” paper piece.

Without further ado, here is the free Valentine’s Day message heart svg file freebie for you.

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Pumpkin Stack SVG – Fall Freebie!

Pumpkin Stack SVG – Fall Freebie!

It is fall! It is mid-October and a pumpkin stack svg is just what you need. Halloween is coming quickly. What does your October typically look like? For me, Halloween is a chance for the kids to play dress up and have fun going trick-or-treating. I don’t get too into the ghoulish and ghastly side of the holiday. I do, however, enjoy the fall leaves, crisp air and fun fall traditions. So, pumpkins are always fun!

So, I present you with a stack of pumpkins. A cute, free svg pumpkin stack file. I think they would make a great little picture on the wall for the season. Or perhaps a little card or a temporary window decal! Whatever you use them for, I hope you enjoy.

Meanwhile, Life Goes On

By the way, I don’t know if anyone has missed me or noticed that my posts have been a bit on the few and far between side. If you have, I will tell you that life has been more hectic than normal for us. After just completing a move into a new house here in Denver in the Spring, my husband unexpectedly changed jobs.

The new job is great, the new area is great, but the timing was not! In fact, as I am writing this I am one day past my due date with our third child. We just got some moving containers delivered to our driveway. And, the furniture is being literally moved out from under me! On the bright side, we should hopefully be getting all settled into a nice new house in San Antonio in less than a month. God willing, we will be settling in to a nice new life with a brand new baby girl.

In the meantime, however, my posts are going to stay very few and far between and I have put my Etsy shop on vacation mode. While I wanted to keep it open, the fact that I will have a brand new baby and that my supplies are already packed up meant that reality trumped my desire to keep it open.

At any rate, I hope you enjoy this cutting file. I haven’t (perhaps obviously) had time to test it, but this mock up makes it look really cute.

If you happen to make something adorable with any of my files, I would love to see it!

Free Pumpkin Stack SVG Cutting File – A cute little pumpkin stack for you

Without further to do, here is the free pumpkin stack SVG file.


Check out my other SVG Files Too!

Free Pumpkin SVG File – Fall is Here!

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My First Day SVG Freebie File Download for Back to School Pictures

JPG - Color Example

My First Day SVG File Freebie – Just in time for back to school pictures!

Tomorrow is August. Yes, AUGUST! For many that means summer is almost gone and school is starting up. We just launched our first year of homeschooling with our oldest. It is Kindergarten time! So far, it has been a lot of fun. Still, it doesn’t seem like summer is over. Weather here has been very hot and then very stormy. This is strange weather for Colorado!



At any rate, Iam looking ahead to August. I love new school supplies. Did you know that the fat crayola markers make an excellent tool for hand-lettering? AND they don’t cost a fortune. Especially if you shop the school supply sales this coming month. The sale can be really good, so be sure to shop around. If you are like me, you may already have a good stockpile of supplies, but the sales are sooooo tempting, who can stay away?


The My First Day SVG freebie I am bringing you today is perfect for those first day of school pictures. I only went from 1st to 6th grade with the apples, because I can’t really imagine a junior high or high schooler cooperating for custom shirt school photos. However, if you have an exceptional child who will cooperate, the font is Segoe Print if you need to add other numbers or customize the text in any way.

If, like me, you would like a simplified project that mitigates the need for layering, I have you covered. Included with this download are the following welded apples with the numbers inside for a more silhouetted version. The key here is that you only need one layer of vinyl and should look adorable all the same!



So, will I do first day of Kindergarten photos? I want to, but that doesn’t mean I will. Life gets in the way. Hopefully, however, I will get on the ball with photos. We need some. Do you do professional photo shoots or just take your own? Either way, this “My First Day SVG” would be a great photo prop or t-shirt.

Free SVG Cutting File

Without further to do, here is the file. It includes each grade text and apples for you to swap in as needed. I think it would look great cut out in glitter heat transfer vinyl on a shirt. As you see above, it looks very cute on the shirt of this adorable girl I found searching for free stock photos. I wish you and your kids a happy August and hope they enjoy their first day of School!


Check out my other SVG Files Too!


Awesome Animal Alphabet Cutting File Download


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Free Father’s Day SVG Cutting Overlays for making your own Cards!

Well, Father’s Day is almost upon us again! Time goes by so fast it is hard to keep up with things!

Speaking of time, I don’t know if anyone actually notices when I have been absent for a while, but I have been. Sorry!

We have been moving. First, we moved from a large house in Michigan (Michigan has great prices on housing if you plan to be there a while). Then, we were then in a one room hotel room in Colorado for the summer with our two young girls. Then we moved into an apartment near my husband’s new job. Now, we are finally back in a house! Yay!

However, all that moving has put a serious cramp on my crafting and blogging time, so I apologize. I did however manage to make a new father’s day card overlay. My first was tool themed for my dad, then I made a fishing themed one last year, and now I present my gold themed overlay!

What does your dad like to do? I would love some inspiration for other overlays. Actually, I really like this collection of svg files. After all, a one cut and adhere card that still looks great is an awesome time saver!

Previous Father’s Day Cards

Take a look at the card I made a couple years ago. My dad was always fixing my toys, working on a project, or just being a handy man. He even built me doll bunk beds one year!

So, this is the card I made for him several years ago.

Father's Day Card

Last Year’s Father’s Day Fishing SVG Overlay

While I do not fish and no one I know fishes, these fishing images were just too cute. Plus, Father’s Day makes me think of dads and fishing!

So, for all of you with fishermen in your lives, this card overlay svg file is for you. I haven’t had time to test cut it out, so let me know if you run into any snags.

Check out this file and the blank template in this post.

Happy Father's Day


This year’s golf themed Father’s Day Free SVG overlay file!

Does your dad love to golf? Check out this new overlay. I think this one is cute too. Please make your father and awesome Father’s Day card.

Happy Father’s Day to all the great Father’s out there!

 >>>>> And… be sure to check out my other SVG freebies! <<<<<<

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Free SVG four leaf clover for St. Patrick’s Day!


Can you believe March is here? Well, here I have a free SVG file to remind you that St. Patrick’s Day is on its way. So, who likes four leaf clovers? Did you ever spend hours in a field trying to find one? I feel like I did as a kid, but I don’t remember ever finding one.

Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? We didn’t do much for it growing up, except for wear some green to avoid being pinched! Occasionally we would go out for lunch or dinner to somewhere vaguely Irish. What are your traditions? Is it a Holiday you take note of or just skip over? I have never been a big drinker, so I imagine that those who enjoy that pastime may do more to celebrate than I do.

Free SVG Cutting File

At any rate, this is a really cute little four leaf clover cutting file. I think it would look great cut out in glitter heat transfer vinyl on a shirt. Maybe with a cute little saying of some sort underneath? Well, I hope you enjoy! And have a fabulous March!!

Here I present to you this St. Patrick’s Day SVG file freebie, the famed four leaf clover!

Check out my other SVG Files Too!

And, if you are already looking forward to Easter, check out these adorable little Easter Egg cutting files!

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Hearts for your Valentine! Free SVG download for your card making and crafting.

Are you making lots of handmade Valentine’s Day cards this year? These free SVG hearts should make a wonderful addition to your projects whether you are making a new shirt with HTV, a super special handmade card for your sweetheart, or a card for everyone. Please enjoy and also check out my past Valentine’s Day freebies!

Free SVG Hearts for Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day – a bit early!



I think these hearts would look great on a t-shirt with sparkly HTV! Sorry, I haven’t had time to try it out yet, but here is a mock up for you all the same. Please pardon my Photoshop skills, they are still in progress!



Also check out my other Valentine’s Day cutting files:


Have a wonderful Day!

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Give Thanks SVG Hand Lettered Freebie!

Thanksgiving is coming! What better way to celebrate than to give thanks with a nice free hand lettered SVG file!? Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday as gratitude can significantly improve your satisfaction and happiness levels! The more you appreciate what you have, the happier you will be. So, give thanks!

Personally, I have tons to be thankful for! Beautiful girls, wonderful husband, the opportunity to live in Colorado near my family again. I am sure it can be harder if you are going through a difficult time or situation in your life right now, but try to think of something, even something very small, to give thanks for. It could be the sun on your face, the warm cup of coffee, a smile on your child’s face, or even just a warm blanket. Give thanks.

So, without further ado, here is the freebie.



I think this file would look great on a sign, a plaque, or on a dishtowel! Sorry, I haven’t had time to try it out yet, but here is a mock up for you all the same:



And if you want to obey the command to “Give Thanks” directly, here is another free svg file you may want to check out. Make a nice thank you card and put it in the mail today. You will brighten someone’s day using these free svg files, I am sure of it!


Thank You Sentiment – Free Cutting File SVG Download


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Bin Labels HTV DIY – Organize your life!

Move Complete!

Have you moved lately? Well, we just moved from Michigan to Colorado! It is lots and lots of work. And requires a lot of good organization. All of which is made better by these adorable bin labels!

If you missed me, that is where I have been. Packing. Unpacking. Packing. Unpacking. Repeat.

Having grown up in Colorado, I am happy to be back and near family again.

Unfortunately, since Colorado is so awesome and everyone else wants to be here too, housing prices are much steeper here. Not just a little steeper. I’m talking 7 or 8 times steeper! For example, coming from our lovely 6 bedroom house on 4 acres in Michigan, we will have trouble finding a condo for the same price!


Getting Organized with Bin Labels

Downsizing was actually some amount of fun, until we got to our apartment and realized that getting rid of half our stuff wasn’t enough! So, that is what I have been doing the past month or so. Organizing. Getting rid of stuff. Organizing is the fun part though.

Knowing this, you can see where this project came from. It was born of necessity and the desire to have my children put their toys away so that I can preserve my sanity in our new 2 bedroom living space! Thus, the idea for our new bin labels was born. Well, it was actually in my head for quite a while. It was going to be one of my finishing touches on the playroom I was working on in Michigan. Take a look at how awesome it was!

Playroom in Michigan

Alas, it was time to move on. Hopefully someone else will move in and enjoy the fun colors and the animal alphabet that I left on the wall!

Do you also have seemingly hundreds of toys underfoot? Are you constantly frustrated with different types and sets of toys getting jumbled into one big mess? Do your kids need help knowing where everything ought to go? Then you need some of these bins and these adorable bin labels!

Take Stock of Your Items

First, you need to take stock of what you are trying to organize. For me, this meant categorizing the toys in my girls’ room and putting them in different bins. Undoubtedly, they have too many toys. However, once in bins and labeled with these cute bin labels, it looks much more manageable. Also, remember to try to match the number of categories to the number of bins you have available.

Here are the bin label categories I came up with for the toys we have:

  • LEGO
  • CARS
  • FOOD

In addition, I added each of my daughter’s names so that they could have a bin of their own. Next, I looked for a simple, cute design for each category. The idea was to have a cohesive looking set of images that helped my not yet literate daughters identify each bin on their own.

Most of the images I found doing a quick google image search. Some I had to work more on to get what I wanted. The font I used is called “Mail Ray Stuff”. I really like how the images turned out. I am especially fond of the cute baby on the “LITTLE PEOPLE” bin.


Create your Bin Labels

Feel free to use my labels and images for your own personal use. However, I do not recommend using them for commercial uses as I am not positive on the copyrights of each one.








Quality Materials

Since this was my very first Heat Transfer Vinyl project, I wanted to use the good stuff. And, from what I hear, Siser Easy Weed is where it is at. I found a roll at my local Michaels and it was on a great sale to boot! All in all, I was very impressed by the stuff. Also, it is actually much easier to weed than Oracle vinyl that I am used to working with.

So, back to the project.

Decide how large you want things and cut it out! This is on you. Then cut out each label and weed out the extra. Your image is reversed, right?

Finally, the fun part – ironing the bin labels on and seeing the results. I followed the directions on the packaging of my HTV and used a grill mat to place over the images while ironing.

Results – Bin material matters too!

If you look at my results, you can see that some of my bins turned out spectacular. Unfortunately, some have nice imprints of the iron. This was largely due to the bins themselves. My nice large fabric IKEA ones look great. No iron imprints, just clean and crisp.



My cheap polyester bins which came from who knows where, did not hold up well. Since I didn’t want to buy new bins, I just went with it. They still work. Some are just much prettier than others!





Now, sit back and admire your work. Wait, scratch that. Go get to organizing!

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Father’s Day Cardmaking with your cutting Machine!

Well, Father’s Day is almost upon us again! Time goes by so fast it is hard to keep up with things!

Previous Father’s Day Card

Take a look at the card I made a couple years ago. My dad was always fixing my toys, working on a project, or just being a handy man. He even built me doll bunk beds one year!

So, this is the card I made for him several years ago.


Father's Day Card

Now, I made a new version! Complete with a the bones of the template in case you want to make your own with a different Father’s Day theme.

Father’s Day Fishing

While I do not fish and no one I know fishes, these fishing images were just too cute. Plus, Father’s Day makes me think of dads and fishing!

So, for all of you with fishermen in your lives, this card overlay svg file is for you. I haven’t had time to test cut it out, so let me know if you run into any snags.

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Template


Well, what about your non-fisherman father?

I have you covered! If you can think of a hobby or theme that he likes, put it on his Father’s Day Card! Just download the empty template and start loading it up with files relating to your theme.

Go ahead, go crazy! Just find anything you can that is adorable and relates to your theme. Size it, spin it, and put in place. That is all there is to it.

As a tip, just make sure that your images touch the inner and outer borders and then “union” the paths. Look up tutorials on this if you don’t know how to, or let me know if you really get stuck.


Happy Father's Day Template

Happy Father's Day Template

SVG Download        

Happy Father’s Day to all the great Father’s out there!

Download “Father's Day Fishing Overlay SVG”

Asset-1.svg – Downloaded 6611 times – 26 KB

And… be sure to check out my other SVG freebies!